News & Media

  • Alert :

    All the Registered Pharmacists of Telangana residents are hereby informed that those who have not yet renewed their registration certificates ending with 31.12.2018 and below of A.P.Pharmacy Council (A.P.P.C) have to formally seek registration/renewal and surrender the said certificates (yellow) issued by APPC in Telangana Pharmacy Council as per Section 32 (2) of The Pharmacy Act 1948 and to obtain new certificates from Telangana Pharmacy Council by applying on or before 30.09.2024 through online portal

    Posted On, 1st June,2024

  • Alert :

    As per the Govt Order TS is changed to TG

      Click Here   

    Posted On, 20th May,2024

  • Alert :

    Telangana Pharmacy Council Mobile App Inauguration

      Click Here   

    Posted On, 15th March,2024

  • Alert :

    The Pharmacists those who are in possession of Telangana Pharmacy Councils Registered Pharmacist Certificates are hereby informed/alerted that they need not come to TSPC office for renewals.

    They can do it online through TSPC duly submitting the required documents.

    Posted On, 12th March,2024

  • Osmania University Online Certificate Verification

    For Osmania University Online Certificate Verification, Please login into, click on certificate verification then enter

    Userid: and Password: registrar@2024

    then click on post new request and apply for certificate verification. After completion of payment submit the payment receipt in the office at the time of submission of application.

    Posted On, 26th Feb,2024

  • T.S.Pharmacy Council Elections 2023 - Declaration Results


      Click Here   

    Posted On, 13th Feb,2024

  • Alert :

    All the Registered Pharmacists are hereby requested to check with your Registration Number and Residence Address in the data base of Telangana State Pharmacy Council Website before applying for renewal to ensure that your name should be in Telangana list.

    visit website

    Posted On, 06st June,2023

  • Note:

    Pharmacists are requested to enter the correct renewal validity while applying for renewal of registration for those who are already registered in APPC but not renewed upto date. Fees Rs.560/- + Penalty Rs.100/- Per Year and 18% GST to be added to the Total Amount.

    Posted On, 01st June,2023

  • The Registered Pharmacists who have not renewed upto 31.12.2018

    The Registered Pharmacists who have not renewed upto 31.12.2018 and below of Telangana State residents (under one time opportunity without penalty) have to apply in Telangana State Pharmacy Council online portal as Renewal of Registration on or before 31.05.2023. For further details visit website

    Posted On, 01st March,2023

  • As per SBTET, DPharm 3 backlog subjects candidates

    It is informed that Secretary, State Board of Technical Education and Training vide letter dated 08.02.2023 will conduct the Supplementary Examinations in the month of June/July 2023 to all the Pharmacy Students of 3 backlog subjects as a onetime opportunity and will issue Original Diploma Certificate to all clear candidates. Hence the concerned Pharmacists may avail this opportunity. Contact, Secretary, State Board of Technical Education and Training for further information.

    Posted On, 21st Feb,2023

  • Renewal

    Telangana State Pharmacy Council starting Renewals online services from 1st January onwards i.e. 01-01-2023. (Only applicable for:-Those who have been issued Telangana State Pharmacy Council Certificate in the year 2018

    Posted On, 21st Dec,2022